Learner Profile

It is aimed that our students are going to be “citizens of the world”, and they internalize the international consciousness. Students know and recognize their own culture and discover other cultures with the proximodistal philosophy. Thus, a learning community where students and teachers learn from each other has been created by strengthening education with sports, culture, art, activities performed in social fields, club activities, projects, and community service activities. The described characteristics of learner profile are the features that all partners of our school including all our students are expected to experience and acquire. Our teachers plan appropriate learning experiences for the students to develop these features considering their age and development and guide them in this process. We aim to make all our partners, including our students in the learning community at our school, individuals who:

- Research, question, and think knowledge-based,

- Communicate effectively, use the foreign language effectively

- Give importance to ethical values, are sensitive and responsible to the environment,

- Open for improvement and are aware of the development in terms of cognitive, emotional, social.

- Have historical awareness, carry national/universal human identity,

- Adopt, protect, and improve their national, moral, humanitarian, spiritual, and cultural values,

- Love and glorify their family, homeland, their selves, and nation consistently,


ETÜ Kolej

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