Academic Approach


An education program enriched based on our school’s special and general goals is applied in TOBB ETU College kindergarten with the framework of the Ministry of National Education Preschool Education Program. The education approaches as Waldorf, High Scope, Montessori, and Reggio Emilia applied all around the world are used to support students’ mental, physical, social, and emotional development. Students are provided to conduct research, acquire learning experiences by exploring, and actively interact and share in a meticulously structured environment. Our program has a structure based on play and questioning. Students will have the opportunity in our daily program to rest and play in/outside the classroom that supports students’ all development areas. At the same time, there are games, activities, works, and projects that are planned and structured considering the educational philosophy of our school in our program.


1st-4th Classes

An education program enriched based on our school’s special and general goals is applied in classes between 1st and 4th of TOBB ETU College with the framework of the Ministry of National Education Primary Education Program. Students are guided by their teachers to consciously develop their research, thinking, communicating, and self-management skills. Individual and group works are also included in daily activities planned considering the students’ age, interests, and curiosity.


It is aimed that students gain experiences as being respectful, being creative, establishing empathy, doing cooperation, and recognizing national and universal values during their interactions. One of our main goals for our students is expressing themselves with self-confidence, thinking critically, developing social sensitivity, and taking responsibility for acting in this regard. Thus, we plan our students’ learning experiences as linked with daily life to they produce new ideas, recognize the cause-effect relationship and develop ethical values as much as possible.


ETÜ Kolej

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