
20021 - Official establishment of the Education and Culture Foundation of the Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBEV), the founder and supporter of TOBB ETU.

2002 - TOBEV’s decision to establish TOBB ETÜ.

2003 - The Grand National Assembly of Turkey’s passing of the Law to Establish TOBB ETU.

2004 - Admission of first students of the university, with 3 faculties (Engineering, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Sciences and Arts) and 10 departments.

2009 - Establishment of the TOBB University of Economics and Technology Institute of Educational Science.

2020 - TOBB University of Economics and Technology Laboratory Schools Regulation was published in the Official Gazette and entered into effect.

2022 - TOBB ETU College will begin its education life by accepting its first students from the primary school level.